
Top Secret Documents Leaked! Scientology as Part of an NWO Psych Conspiracy Revealed!






Purpose: The WABITT is a psychoactive AI electronic implanting device intended for use on human planets in the early phases of their discovery and use of radio, television, and internet transmission technologies. WABITT’s are ideally introduced in the period when radio and television are in wide use. In Earth time, this was 1967.

1. Cultural Psycho-Prompts: Coincident with initial WABITT deployment in by contrail-dispersal aircraft, SIG LLC will stage the requisite flying saucer crashes, hoaxes, conspiracies, and “signs and wonders” to increase public interest in New Age, psychiatric, religious, and occultic groups and conspiracy theories.

2. Powering Up the WABITT: WABITT’s are released on a stealth basis by SIG LLC  aircraft equipped with contrail dispersal gear. WABITT’s are dispersed atmospherically. They are capable of continuously self-charging their internal 56-year lifetime lithium batteries by scavenging ambient WiFi, television, and radio broadcast energy. An internal switching circuit also allows WABITT’s to scavenge power from the SIG LLC Tesla satellite network.

3. Deployment:  Once released in the stratosphere by SIG LLC contrail aircraft, the prevailing winds disperse tens of trillions of WABITT’s globally.

4. Attraction and Clustering to Human Bodies: The WABITT 98.6 F guidance system seeks human body temperature and thus guides itself towards humans using its autopilot circuit. Once a WABITT is within one meter of a human, it releases an energetic microwave pulse which allows it to penetrate the upper layers of the dermis and implant itself subcutaneously into humans. The statistical distribution is such that all humans on Teegeeack have 350,000-2,500,000 WABITT’s attached to their bodies.

5. Activation: Once implanted on the body of a human, the WABITT AI system self-activates its onboard radio, television, and internet receivers and powers up its psycho-transmitters to beam signal into the human body-mind system.

6. The Scientology Angle: WABITT Technology is the actual undisclosed basis of the Scientology upper levels and has been for decades since the secret agreement between CSC/CSI and SIG LLC. Due to their low current DC output, WABBIT devices read on the e-meter and hence are detectable. This functionality provides self-referential  proof to willing adherents.



NOTE: SIG LLC licensees understand and acknowledge that WABBIT’s have no user serviceable parts, are not dishwasher safe, and will not open hatch covers to inspect the patented, secret inner mechanisms of ATS’ proprietary psychotronic technology.

6A. Recording: Each WABITT can digitally record up to three minutes of randomly-selected radio, television, and internet content. The content on each WABBIT is randomly erased and new content recorded. Time intervals for random erasure range from sixty seconds to fifty-two years. Erasure is initiated by a randomizer. Randomity is an essential product feature of WABBIT’s.

6B. Pseudo-Personality Software: The patented WABITT AI software algorithm is selective in recording dialogue from both real and fictional characters on television, radio, and online. The WABITT records dialogue in order to feedback, or mimic, the apparency that it is a real person. When telepathically contacted by a human OT, the WABITT will appear to be an actual entity interacting with the human OT. When telepathically contacted by a Christian or a Muslim, the WABBIT can mimic an angel, a demon, or the jinn. Other WABBIT’s will oppose the primary WABBIT being contacted in order to initiate inner conflict and drive a person to seek one of the cures secretly sold by SIG LLC front groups, organizations, and religions.

6C. Challenge Default Software: When presented with a challenge from a human OT that its pseudo-person software cannot process, the challenge default software on the WABITT will prompt it to claim that is has been somnolent or has had amnesia on the wholetrack and has just been woken up.

6D. Inc II Default: All WABITT’s include a Inc II recall data loop. This purely fictional psychoactive visual and auditory content is intended to validate the upper level claims of Inc II of OT III in unwitting Scientology OT’s. This recall loop reduces the first-pass rejection rate of the OT materials by >90%.

6E: R6 Defaults: All WABITT’s include data recall loops that support all major Teegeeack religious images. Note: The auto-switching circuitry will fail in 2.5% of the human population due to anomalies in body chemistry that are not understood. This will cause these individuals to freewheel through the recordings and data streams of their 350,000 – 2,500,000 WABITT’s. Conversely, 2.5% of the human population will become various sorts of geniuses due to harmonic amplification of WABITT data streams. Both extremes are perplexing and cause unforeseen problems SIG LLC NWO master planning. Please consult Illuminatus Manual  9 for further details.

Method Patent: The WABITT is based on AI. The WABITT device is a wireless, pseudo-telepathic receiver and transmitter that creates a fragmentary, artificial personality. Each of the 35,000 – 50,000 WABITT’s clustered upon each human receives and records random snippets of radio, television, and internet signals and then transmits this content into the mind of humans. The vast data torrent transmitted by WABBITS is subjectively experienced and interpreted by humans in various ways:

A. As intrapsychic conflict between warring identities. Hence, the WABITT can easily induce schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, and/or other “psychiatric” and “religious” disorders.

B. Mental chatter to be ignored by use of Zen.

C. Voices inside of one’s head to be obeyed.

D. Voices inside of one’s head to be physician-medicated or self-medicated.

E. Inconsequential biological noise that can be ignored.

F. Endless and free creative content.

H. Deja Vu experiences

I. Religious visions, raptures, and ecstasies.

J. Mental image pictures and/or engrammic content about which something can and must be done.

K. Auditory and/or visual hallucinations.

L. Apparitions, ghosts, extraterrestrials, and various other entities.

M. When used with Scientology brand solo auditing, the WABITT senses e-meter low voltage and auto switches to its BT mode.

The versatile WABITT can be used to create intrapsychic conflict and thus monetize Religion, Psychiatry, Scientology, and many other lucrative mass movements, frenzies, fads, political rage, popular delusions, madness, and other profitable psychopathologies. The WABITT is most fundamentally a device used to manipulate and control humans.

Monetization: SIG LLC secretly offers “cures”, “pharmaceuticals”, and “religious technology” to various groups in exchange for gold, platinum, or titanium bars. What SIG LLC actually does is to remotely switch off a percentage of WABITT’s in a given group in order to create the apparency of religious deliverance, psychiatric cures, spiritual freedom, the state of Clear, or other apparently miraculous breakthroughs that are ultimately without substance. WABBITS are in the 0 state or the 1 state. 0 state is experienced as pain. The 1 state is experienced as pleasure.

By cycling 0 and 1 sequences from the SIG LLC satellites and the Mount Shasta very large emitter grid array, the human population is kept in a perpetual quest for cure, salvation, and happiness in exchange for which they will pay our front groups all of their substance. Some SIG LLC front groups are more profitable with WABBIT technology than others. As a general statement, however, WABITT’s are Squey.

9 replies »

  1. Since the Wannits use the Windows Operating System, a certain large percentage ( I >= 20% ) will randomly crash and/or reboot. This causes a variety of actions:

    1) Implantee falls in love with Steve Jobs
    2) Implantee believes Stephen ‘The General’ Elop to be the greatest CEO of all time
    3) Implantee becomes addicted to American style Football and looses 20 IQ points
    4) Implantee becomes a Bay City Rollers fan
    5) Implantee becomes a professional Cricket player

    Other actions may occur, depending upon phase of the moon, exact version of Windows used by the Wabbit, and how many Warner Brothers cartoons the Implantee has watched.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Boy did I ever have a crashing MU!!!!! I thought that WABITT was something to do with ecclesiastical dildos that were issued by RTC.
    Talk about embarrassing!!! Now I need to word clear ‘implant’ too because I thought that implanted WABITTs were… well that’s my business until it comes up in my next sec-check. Thanks to COB for fully restoring GAT II Study Tech and saving me from everlasting damnation and the loss of my eternity.

    Liked by 1 person

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