
The Psychiatric Illuminati Behind “Burning Man” Incinerate Mankind’s Only Hope of Salvation in a Scientology Witch Hunt

“Once again the Psychiatric Illuminati have attacked Mankind’s only hope of salvation when they burned Scientology scripture in their Scientology witch hunt,” declared Church spokesman Ken Delusion. “Freedom Magazine has discovered that the Psychs behind Burning Man had premeditated this plot to burn Scientology in effigy while pretending it was an ‘artistic statement’ decrying our sacred doctrine of Disconnection. Yet as actual study on art by the Founder has shown, artists would never call sacrilege art. Serious artists such as Tom Cruise only make art that has a high aesthetic wavelength.”

“This bonfire unequivocally proves that the anti-Scientology community has now become far worse than OSA, Fair Game, RPF, Sea Org child labor, Sea Org slavery, and Disconnection rolled into one,” complained Delusion. “Setting ablaze a depiction of our holy religious doctrine of Disconnection is an act of hate.”

“COB RTC Mr. David Miscavige has authorized the IAS to spend $1.2 billion dollars to purchase 500,000 acres of land in the Black Rock desert of Gerlach, Nevada. This privatization of the land will put an end to all future Burning Man festivals. That Burning Man is backed by the Psychiatric Illuminati is easily proven by the blasphemous Temple of Xenu at which human sacrifices were conducted,” Delusion noted.

3 replies »

  1. Let this hateful burning continue, who really gives a fuck about degraded, drug addled, psych influenced wogs.
    We true believers and dedicated KSW kool-aid drinkers have our sacred scriptures preserved until the MEST universe implodes because we were wise enough to invest in titanium scriptures buried in Underground Bunkers!!!!! Every Ideal Org, Mission and Field Group should have their very own Ideal Underground Bunker. Let the fundraising begin !!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The ASC: anti-scientology community will RUE THE DAY they burned the holy practice of disconnection! We have hard proof of this and will release the evidence IN DUE TIME.


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