
David Miscavige for President in 2020

The “David Miscavige for President in 2020” movement received additional impetus today from the millions of Detroiters who were honored that Mr. Miscavige opened a badly-needed Scientology Ideal Org in their community.

“Detroit can finally get Scientology auditing,” said resident Mac McDooley. “Things are really going to change for the better in Detroit. All the endemic crime, violence, and poverty will end now that Scientology is here!”


2 replies »

  1. Captain Miscavige would make an excellent President. He has all the qualities that the current President lacks: humility, tolerance, modesty, dignity and an impressive understanding of the technological solutions to the world’s dwindling spiral.

    And most important, a long and successful marriage with never any hint of impropriety or rancour.

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