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  1. I have it on good authority (RTC of course) that this man in not really screaming at yellow paint. It just appears that he is screaming at yellow paint. Just as when doing Upper Indoc TRs, one is not really screaming at ash trays, one is pursuing higher levels of spiritual development by fully duplicating the words and instructions of the Founder.

    This man in the video from the Tokyo Ideal Org is demonstrating an as yet unreleased ‘new’ TR, TR 47x. The TR 47x write-up was discovered at a construction site in Hemet, California where rogue Sea Org Missionaires had buried this manuscript back in the day as they were secretly plotting to take over the whole of Scientology and pervert it for their own purposes. Once this planet saving material was ‘rediscovered’, it was applied to that most suppressive of persons, Marty. As is easily seen by even the most degraded of ex-scientologists and bitter defrocked apostates living out their lives in that scummy sector at the fringes of the internet, this Tech has fully recovered and rehabilitated Marty. Once all ex-scientologists and bitter defrocked apostates living out their lives in that scummy sector at the fringes of the internet tune into Scientology Media Productions broadcasting, they too will be saved and be able to communicate as effectively as the man in the video. And also Marty. Right now, I think Marty has to do a little bit more work and drilling in order to get a full pass on this TR. While Marty’s recent videos are excellent and engaging,the man in the video is a much better communicator.

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