
Now it Can be Told: Hillary Clinton Got Pneumonia After Exposure to the OT Materials!


Hillary Clinton was exposed to the OT materials without the proper set-ups at Flag. As a result, she caught pneumonia and began freewheeling through her implants. Hillary called all of the BT’s in her implants a “Basket of Deplorables.”

Senior C/S Int Captain COB RTC David Miscavige* investigated this matter and declared, “Donald Trump has been found to be the Psych Implanter behind the squirrel preps at Flag that caused Hilary’s improper OT set-ups. OSA has handled Donald Trump by locking him up in the SP Hole.”

“We handled Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia by putting her on a treadmill in the Purif to run out the pneumonia. We also have Hillary smoking cigarettes every fifteen minutes as cigarette smoke pushes nuclear radiation out of the body and Hillary was found to be highly radioactive.”

*COB RTC David Miscavige must never be called Captain.

Warning: Scientology’s Founder on the OT Levels and pneumonia:

The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development. One can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as precisely outlined. The “freewheel” (auto-running on and on) lasts too long, denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time.


5 replies »

  1. Welcome to SNN…

    Seeing Madam Clinton collapse on the street after her OT session last weekend, we were grateful to see she chooses to surround herself with Scientology VMs at all times. As the video record shows – at the onset of her symptoms, it was Scientology VMs dispatched directly by COB RTC (Fleet Admiral) David Miscaviage who stepped in immediately and began touch assists. Madam Clinton was then rushed to the Harlem Ideal Org where a cadre of VMs continued with touch assists and had her up and about in just over an hour.

    Speculation is rampant she remains PTS to her 1.1 DB (dicking bimbos) husband Bill. Can the PTS/SP course provide needed relief?

    Stay tuned to the Scientology News Network….


    • Fleet Admiral Miscavige continues to be in touch with Bill and Hillary Clinton on an hourly basis in order to protect Scientology’s tax exemption when HRC is elected. However, just in case Juliane Assange’s October Wikileaks surprise on Hillary is really bad, Fleet Admiral Miscavige is also keeping his line in with Donald Trump.

      Donald Trump would make a good Scientologist, but Mr. Miscavige has said that Mr. Trump needs to wear a pompadour. Next year, all Scientologists will be ordered to wear pompadours as part of the upcoming GAT IV-GAT X release of Super Power Deluxe.


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