
Captain Flag Land Base Charges PAC Base With Using Undercharged E-Meters!

Captain Davis Jackinov, Commanding Officer,  Flag Land Base

Captain Davis Jackinov, Commanding Officer, Flag Land Base

Captain Davis Jackinov, Commanding Officer of Flag Land Base, today accused PAC Base of using undercharged e-meters.

“Just as the New England Patriots used under-inflated footballs to criminally win their Super Bowl slot, so too has PAC Base used under-charged e-meters to give preclears false wins and F/N’s.”

“A check by undercover Flag agents found under-voltages of 40% on all PAC Base meters when tested against RTC-prescribed voltages.”

“Due to these under-powered meters we see PAC Base pc’s falsely believing they are having wins and F/N’s. Yet, the facts show these pc’s merely to be in the glee of insanity so characteristic of PAC Base and of Hollywood in general.”

“Rigged e-meters are the ‘why’ for PAC Base’s stats being so suspiciously in excess of the RTC-approved 47X official PR stat.”

“PAC Base is wildly claiming 112,415,859X expansion, This is preposterous by even Scientology standards!”

Commanding Officer FSSO Sharron Weber

Commanding Officer FSSO Sharron Weber

“The entire dilettantish farce known as PAC Base needs to be handled swiftly. PAC Base needs to be shut down for gross out tech and its preclears sent to Flag Land Base and Freewinds for 100% standard GAT II Tech!”

“CO FSSO Captain Sharron Weber is in complete agreement with me. CO Weber and myself have had to fix too many pc’s damaged by PAC Base out tech and this needs to stop!

“We have sent KR’s to Fleet Admiral Miscavige of RTC. He has indicated that he will smash and obliterate all criminals hiding in Scientology Organizations!”

“This is true,” Davis Jackinov concluded.

8 replies »

  1. The Reverend Captain Davis Jackinov is to be commended for spotting these counter-intentioned Merchants of Chaos pretending to be auditors at PAC Base. They are the reasons why the streets of Los Angeles are full of pre-clears strutting around boasting about their case gains and spending money at expensive restaurants that should rightfully be used in increasing their statuses.

    A mandatory increase of e-meter voltage to the recommended 5,000 volts dc must be enforced to put a fixed dedicated glare on the faces of these Mrs Pattycakes so that they’ll win and we’ll all win.

    Thank goodness the Reverend Jackinov is wearing his hat properly with the peak at the front.



    • Again, Captain Robertson spots the false data and correctly applies policy. 5,000 volts will blow pc’s right out of their skulls. POW! Fifty feet outside their heads with their ethics fully back in.


  2. We heard from a reputable source the new CO Pac Base, Juar Fockenov has denied all knowledge of undercharged e-meters. “We have entire clan of Fockenovs running show here at PAC putting ethics in…living KSW 24/7/365.”

    Who do we believe…Jackinov or Fockinov?


    • Captain whostolemycog, you are a big being. COB wants you to go to PAC Base, find the traitors, and confront and shatter suppression. You tell us if the existing scene at PAC Base is Jackinov or Fockinov.


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